Smoking Martha @ VIBE 10th April 2015
If anyone is looking for a night out to see a stellar rock band, look no further! After witnessing Smoking Martha's performance last Saturday night, we would strongly advise to keep an eye out for when these guys are playing near you...
It was easy to loose oneself in the sultry and seductive tones of Miss Tasha's vocals who's mezzo-soprano style has been compared to Gwen Stefani's. Now... just quietly, The Drum love's Gwen and loves No Doubt, but to be perfectly honest....we believe Tasha's voice is well above the quality of Stefani's. Yeah we said it!
Smoking Martha's next gig is May 2nd @ Currumbin Creek Tavern for "Rockin the Goldie" Festival. Following Currumbin, the guys will be @ Wallapalooza Brisbane and Melbourne.
Check out below Part 2 of our interview with Smoking Martha.
Tell us about how the band formed, where you’re from and how long have you been together? Are you all original members? Mick and I started writing together a few years ago with the intentions of setting up a rock band, we have had a few lineup changes long the way, but we are pretty excited about our current lineup, we have so much chemistry.
What inspirations do you draw on? Everything around us draws inspiration, from everyday life to what’s going on in our lives and our mate’s lives.
Are the songs a collaborative effort or does the band have a main songwriter. How does the music affect the lyrics and vice versa? Mick the lead guitarist writes the base of the song and then the band collaborates with that. Vocals and melody are written by me. We write more based on feeling then around a subject if it feels right we go with it. The lyrics always have a hidden meaning.
What’s different in the music industry today compared to when you first started and what would you do differently if you were just entering the industry today? I guess the biggest changes would be the build of social media and music being so accessible; this has affected the live music scene and our priorities, but we wouldn’t change anything as it’s all about the journey.
If you could play in any other band, who would it be?
Mick, Lead Guitarist - Metallica
Matty, Bass – Avenged Sevenfold Az, Rhythm guitarist – Pink FloydJordon,
Drummer – Metallica
Tasha D, lead singer – Fleetwood Mac
What album do you have on repeat in your stereo/ipod?
Mick, lead guitarist – Maylene and the sons of disaster
Matty, bass – Suicide silence “the black crown”Az,
Rhythm guitarist- Guns N roses, “Appetite for destruction
Jordon, drummer – Mudvayne “LD 50”
Tasha D, Lead Singer – Lana Del Ray “Born to Die”
The_Molotov @ VIBE 10th April 2015
Big night in the burbs last night people....The_Molotov's set did not disappoint (as suspected), and the guys brought a solid and dramatic performance to a quality night.
These guys have a lot to say and their lyrical orientation sends a powerful message. In fact, towards the end of their set that message was delivered through a mega phone, that's how powerful they are!
While the lyrics are of a serious nature, the band gave an animated performance and stirred up some crazy shenanigans on stage, as well as on the dance floor. There were some wild flailing keyboard dance moves witnessed, and a playful interaction with the audience was a interesting contrast to the message in the lyrics. 
The_Molotov will be playing @ Wallapoolza Brisbane on 6th June @ The New Globe Theatre, we recommend checking them out and all they represent...
As promised, the following is Part 2 of the interview with The_Molotov.
To refer back to Part 1,
How would you describe the band’s style and who are your influences?
We posted just yesterday that our "Genre" seems to depend on who's listening and what set we do. Because we all bring different influences and styles, our Genre is pretty much a hybrid that reflects that with elements of metal, punk, electro, prog, rock & even grunge. Our (musical) influences probably span from RATM, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, SoundGarden all the way through to Rotting Christ.
An early highpoint was singing "Go Back To Sleep" to a crowd at a protest rally against the Iraq War and having cops nodding along and tapping their batons in time. ;) Recently was 2014's ZombieWalk, great crowd, organisers are very cool and we had blast.
How would you describe the evolution of the band’s sound?
How would you describe the evolution of the band’s sound?
Which of your song/s are the most fun to play live, or which songs are you most proud of?"
Name some of the bands you grew up listening to?
Claire (Vocalist, Bass):
Jayde (Main Vocalist):
Rotting Christ, Dark Throne, Cat Stevens, Paul Simon, Carpathian Forest, Belphegor, Fear Factory, Supertramp, Crowded House, Dimmu Borgir, Pink Floyd
Scart (Vocalist, Guitar):
Dead Kennedys, Rage Against The Machine, The Exploited, Slayer, Public Enemy, Metallica, lot of early punk and metal as well as hiphop.
Claire (Vocalist, Bass):
Tool, PJ Harvey, Rancid, Sublime, Bob Marley, The Exploited, The Casualties, a lot of different styles of music, I was brought up on a mix of island beats, 90s hip hop, classical, jazz, blues, folk music and 80s/me growing up. As an Adult, alot of post rock/post metal and Industrial/Dance Music has shaped me such as Nine Inch Nails, Sigur Ros, Acid Bath, Skinny Puppy, Combichrist, Depeche Mode, Bloody Beetroots, *Shels, Mogwai, Neurosis, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Infected Mushroom
Paul (Drums): Fugazi, Dead Kennedys, Hard-ons, Massappeal, Soundgarden, Swervedriver, Dinosaur Jr, Mudhoney, Afghan Whigs, Pavement, Alice in Chains.90s alternative, so I've always had a very eclectic taste in music.
Dan (Guitars and Keys):
Nickleback, Fall Out Boy, Blood on the Dance Floor, Jet, Nikki Minaj, Britney Spears and Nsync inspire the crap outta me... But in a more accurate way growing up, I was Musically shaped by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Faith No More, Korn, System of a Down and Opeth shaped
Who did you see at your first ever concert?
Jayde (Main Vocalist):
My first big concert deliberately went out of my way to see was Behemoth (I believe in 2007) , but I'd been seeing bands at the Corner Hotel in Richmond for a while then so can't really say the first one.
Either The Angels in Rocky or The Offspring in Brisbane, I can never remember which came first.
Claire (Vocalist, Bass):
Probably Archie Roach, but that was when I was particularly small.
Dan (Guitars, Keys):
I saw clutch at Overcrank 06 Festival but my first Proper concert Was Opeth
Paul (Drums):
Anthrax 1990 Persistance of time tour. Massappeal supported and blew them off the stage.
BELLUSIRA - Crowbar Brisbane 8 March 2015
Members: Vocals: Crystal Ignite Bass: Mark Dalbeth Guitar: Gazza Rhode Drums: Rick Anderson / Lucius Borich (aka Loosh)
Releases: Connection
Photo Credit: The Drum AngeBehave
For the last 12 months Bellusira have been off shore, soaking up the Californian sunshine while pursuing the dream of most musicians in their wake. The distinction this band has is that they undoubtedly “own” the sound required to crack, or should I smash, into the American industry.
If you check out the bands bio on their Facebook page, you will read some pretty impressive high profile shout out’s, and I suspect that after a plug on Aussie Music TV program RAGE, life dramatically changed for these guys. And deservedly so after seeing them play the Crowbar Brisbane on the weekend, put simply….these guys are THE BUSINESS.
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Fronted by the very charismatic and beautiful Crystal Ignite, the girl’s delivery can only be described as magnetic. Crystal’s vocal control is unwavering, switching it up between powerful ballad and efficacious wail without effort. The riffs and drum beats have a catchy nu-metal influence, however unlike some nu-metal, the prolonged shredding guitar solo makes a welcoming appearance. Mark Daleth on bass brings the heavy and sexy bass lines and reminds me of Tobin Esperance from Papa Roach in style. The energy both he and Crystal produce on stage complement each other and they are equally amazing to photograph. These guys are tight and “Cachango”, the track that catapulted Bellusira over to LA is worthy of its success. Plus the video shot in the bands hometown of Melbourne is a must see. Picture of a group of oldies rocking out to the band like they’re 18 again, and the grannies didn’t mind giving the guitarist a touch up either. Badass\m/
Founding members, Crystal and Mark were the only two to venture over to the states, where they picked up guitarist Gary 'Gazz' Rhode in Los Angeles. On drums are Rick Anderson and Lucius Borich (aka Loosh).
The guys are turning heads all over the states after appearing in numerous high profile festivals and shows across the country. They have been touring with some of the biggest names in the heavy metal rock scene (Korn and Five Finger Death Punch), and are going back to the US for round two after completion of their current Australian tour. The guys will be back to Australia in January 2016, and if they are not named on the Soundwave bill next year there’s something seriously wrong with the system! Just saying…
Bellusira has recently signed a record deal with Pavement Entertainment for their May/June release of the next album. Watch out for it folks…. no doubt it will be killer.
Bellusira has recently signed a record deal with Pavement Entertainment for their May/June release of the next album. Watch out for it folks…. no doubt it will be killer.
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Inhailed @ Currumbin Creek Tavern - 7 March 2015
Vocals: Ryan Farago
Guitar: Rob Stanley
Bass: Tom Logan
Drums: Langley Smith
Discography: Metal
Inhailed Demo (2009)
Bled To Life (2010)
Four Walls of Hell (2011)
Demon within (2014)
The boys who hail from the Sunshine Coast brought a hell raising performance to the Currumbin Creek Tavern on the weekend. Ryan Farago kicked off the set by demanding that the crowd "get off their f**ckin arses" and get amongst it at front of stage. It took little convincing after Ryan growled that we "were a bunch of f**kin pussies" and to get the f**k up....(very very loudly). Needless to say everybody was soon on their feet and I was possibly the quickest, out of shear excitement...or fear, I'm not sure which. These dudes were going to be ferocious.
For the next 30 minutes we were privileged with an intense and seamless performance of what could only be described as brutal metal. Ryan's demonic growl is unfaltering, and together with the melodic groove produced by these clearly experienced and talented musicians, hearing them live could only be explained as evilly enchanting.
I decided to nickname Rob Stanley \m/shredder\m/. His screaming guitar solos are clearly the result of a long and distinguished career, or perhaps the most intense practice-every-day-till your-fingers-are-pissing-out-blood kind of attainment. My guess is the aforementioned. And then there's our hair spinner and bass player Tom Logan, who I've declared to have the prettiest hair on the local scene. In fact, if you stuck a top hat on him I reckon he would give Slash a run for his money. Drummer Langley Smith is the band's only original member, and he explained to us after the show, about the change of sound and direction of band from when it was first created.
... "playing music is all about living life how you want to live it and not giving a f**k about what anyone else thinks and to get on with it and have fun" - Rob Stanley. Couldn't agree more with you there Rob..\m/
the guys, it's likely this song is what defines the band's current sound. The arrangement works like a well oiled machine and the boys have an experience that shows.
Here's what the guys had to say after the show...
Four releases in 6 years guys, but you've had a number of line-up changes in that time. How has that affected the band and has it changed your direction or sound?
There have been a number of member changes but in hindsight it has probably been the best thing for us in regards to our development. At first we didn't know if it was a good or bad thing, but we have definitely reached a point now where we are happy with our sound and that we have found a clearer path of where we want to take it.
Yeah people seem to like it, and we're just gigging to try and get it out there, we didn't do an official tour with the album but we did a lot of gigs last year. "Demon Within" was created at a particular era of the band, since that release the band has actually changed sound. We are writing new material and focusing on a new style at the moment.
We did receive a good response from "Demon Within" but since Wes our second guitarist left the band our sound has changed. We were a 5 piece for that album. We're currently experimenting with different genres and developing our sound less a second guitarist, which hasn't been a bad thing. If anything, it probably delivers our music to the audience a lot more clearer. We've received feedback from people who say they can hear us better, rather than coping a blast of aggressive noise and a wall of guitars in their face. We have definitely found a clearer path with what we are producing now. There's more groove in our sound and when you play live you need that groove to get people on the dance floor uno, people want to move. And what's a metal show without the head banging and the moshing that comes with it. Our sound is multi layered in that respect and it's definately not just all about the thrash and the grind.
I understand you guys have been named for the Metal Heart Festival @ the Triffid in April. Will this be your first time @ Metal Heart?
We have yes, we will be there. We were suppose to play Metal Heart in 2012 but we had to pull out at the last minute cus Langley busted his knee which involved colour bond or something. Similar thing happened to Ryan the day before the Moonsorrow support at The HiFi, and he put a bit of iron into his knee. Ouch.
And what can we expect from Inhailed in the next 12 months?
At the moment we're concentrating on writing new material and aim to get a new album out towards the end of this year. We all contribute to the writing and we all bring our own favour to the band so we're just working hard to make that happen hopefully. We've developed a different process with how we write which seems to be working well for us. Instead of recording a whole set list on the spot, we are now working song by song. We are a lot more comfortable and casual with the situation we're now in and it seems to be flowing. We are all grown ups that have a similar vision and we are all really good at what we do, so we are really lucky in that way. We all get along really well and we really enjoy what we do, its a lot of fun.
Special thanks goes to MMK Music Promotions for putting on the show, and big shout out to Nyx by Night - Music Photography for the stellar shots.
Inhailed will be at Metal Heart Festival on the 18th April @ The Triffid. Unless someone injures a knee of course...
Vocals - Kaz
Vocals & guitar - Bud
Bass - Eddie
Guitar - Troy
Drums - Robbo
Horn - Taffy
Bass - Eddie
Guitar - Troy
Drums - Robbo
Horn - Taffy
1.1.1 hail from Ipswich and are proud of it according to vocalist and guitarist Dave"Bud" Beckett. During the set Bud called to the crowd.."so who here is from Ipswich!" It was evident by show of hands that 1.1.1 have a extremely loyal fan base. I noticed the band seemed to attract a lot of attention from cameras, and you soon realise why. 1.1.1 are extremely entertaining to watch live. Their performance is energetic and charismatic, packed with rock star stance, punk rock glares and wild stage jumps. A bathroom break during their set is clearly out of the question or you'll miss the dynamic that ties this band together. A beer break on the other hand would be perfectly long as you buy the band a beer while you're there!

1.1.1's musical style is a blend of pop/rock/punk, with metal overtones and splashing's of ska. Bud and Karen Beckett share vocals, and while Karen injects the pop rock element into the songs, Bud delivers the punk rock vocals with maximum range. The dude has decent pipes (be sure to listen to "Love Song" below). The songs prominently sung by Karen remind me of the post-punk style of the band Gossip (big fan), and you could compare 1.1.1 to The Interrupters from LA. The boys produce the heavy sounds, but the metal edge is brought by Troy Christensen with the heavier and intricate guitar riffs. Adam "Eddie" Payne adds the groove on Bass, and drummer Robbo Beckett is obviously a hard hitter after seeing him break a cymbal in half during the set. The horn section was MIA at this gig which was a shame, as Sam"Taffy" Gibson provides an even further layer to this multi disciplined band.
The varying talent and style of all members provides the band with a diversity that I think most genre hugging enthusiasts could connect with. 1.1.1 is the type of band that the guys can fist pump to, while the girls shake their bad selves on the dance floor. And y'all know it's ALL about the girls getting loose on the dance floor... \m/rockdanation1.1.1\m/Ange
1.1.1 are playing at the Crowbar Brisbane on 8th March with Bellusira. I plan on showing up to crash tackle them for an interview they owe me...
Check back with the Gig Guide page for updates on where 1.1.1 are playing next.
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